Regardless of physical abilities, whether you are living with a disability, challenged physically, confined to a wheelchair, or missing a limb, it’s time to take charge of your life. Don’t let others dictate what you can and cannot do. Follow your inner passion and pursue your dreams of achieving your true potential. Embrace the path towards discovering and becoming the person you were always meant to be.
Starting Your Journey Begins by Letting Go of Yesterday
If you’re prepared to ignore the naysayers, release limiting beliefs, and commence a new personal adventure, then join The WCBB today!
The WCBB is integrating previous wheelchair and adaptive athletes into Google Maps, ensuring comprehensive updates on all competitions for convenient access by all users. This enhancement aims to facilitate seamless connections among athletes themselves, as well as with supplement companies, media outlets, and various organizations. To illustrate, if a news station operates in Las Vegas, Nevada, locating athletes competing in their vicinity will be effortlessly achievable. Consequently, this initiative fosters a robust community where individuals can connect and thrive together. Please fill out the information below so we can add you. Thank you.
Click Here for Full View on Google Map
Click on the Top Left Icon on the Google Map for Selection. Click On Full View for Specific Searches.